Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dad's and recent Activity

Well me and Cole went to dad's but the water park was closed so we are going to go over April break!I love going to Dad's~it is so quite and peaceful!We also saw Drew,which makes me happy!Well swimming is almost over.As in on Friday, all "winter" sports are shut down. I am not sure if I want to go for varsity next year.I like the sport but I don't think that I am good enough yet.I want too but I don't know hopefully, Coach/Mr Gill(Teacher, Varsity Coach,and Aunt Nancy's friend) will help me with my swimming. I really want too but as I said,I don't know if I am strong enough yet.I really need help on my breathing techniques because my asthma has a tendency to act up right in the middle of my frees!!So I am attempting to get that taken care of.I also had my right nostril catarized(I think I spealt that wrong,but you get the point).And if that doesn't work--its plastic surgery for my nose.:(( So that will be interesting. If I get the surgery done I will have to be recuperating for at least a week. So if I have to get that done I will personally be sure it is done in the summer.I am doing to well to miss school.Anyways,I have to go,sleepy time for the sick!:)

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